Sundarajan Mutialu,
CSO, COB, Co-Founder
Sundarajan is a serial entrepreneur and technology evangelist with demonstrated experience in developing, communicating, executing, and sustaining strategic growth. He is also a musician, music producer, DJ, and photographer, who enjoys live music and being with and in nature more than just about anything in the world.
Sundarajan is the Chief Strategy Officer and COB of AZENTIVE, with a focus on sustainable and earth-friendly technologies, win-win partnerships, as well as the development, optimization, and monetization of intellectual property.He is a mechanical engineer with a specialty in materials sciences and over 25 years of professional experience in developing, optimizing, marketing, and selling a variety of technologies. Sundarajan has developed technologies and materials for a variety of companies. Some notable technologies include equipment, materials, or processes for Fortune 100 Silicon Valley companies, major aerospace firms, thin film coatings and equipment, and a variety of development and marketing efforts for energy efficiency technologies.He has broad hands-on experience in corporate governance coupled with the direct strategic growth of small to medium firms. He has founded two successful technology and materials conferences and was a key player in stimulating new technology interchanges between international research and development organizations.
Sundarajan has run several non-profit organizations, serves on the advisory boards for quite a few companies, is active in the entertainment and music industries, and is a licensed real estate professional.